Monday, May 7, 2012

Pure Nude Yoga

"Pure Nude Yoga - Zen Garden Goddess" artfully explores the ancient practice of yoga without the confinement of clothing. In Pure Nude Yoga, beautiful 26 year old Yogini Goddess Wenona gracefully moves through a series of nude yoga asanas in a serene verdant Zen Garden. Pure Nude Yoga- Zen Garden Goddess is easy to follow along, or simply use it to relax and meditate on beautiful natural yoga forms performed in a tranquil Zen Garden setting.

Zen Garden Goddess Wenona is amazingly lithe and flexible, as she skillfully moves through a selection of classic yoga positions, starting from basic to more advanced. Yogini Wenona has been avidly practicing yoga for years, starting with basic hatha yoga classes, followed by Iyengar and power yoga and finally mastering Ashtanga yoga a few years ago. In "Pure Nude Yoga - "Zen Garden Goddess" yogini Wenona seamlessly merges these ancient yoga forms into a natural flow of traditional yoga positions; beginning with some basic limbering poses and then progressing to more advanced asanas. "Pure Nude Yoga- Zen Garden Goddess" is ideal for the beginning to intermediate yoga disciple, and perfect for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the potential of nude yoga to nurture and enhance a naturist balance of health, body and spirit.

Shot in high definition, 
Pure Nude Yoga: Zen Garden Goddess (DVD) includes one hour of nude yoga, interspersed with calming Zen Garden interludes, zen koans, a meditational soundtrack, and sounds of relaxing natural environment sounds. A separate nature sounds track without music is included (simply select the audio button on the DVD remote control.)

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